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Product Info

Product Name

Single Liner, cold end inspection, Bottle / Jar inspection , glass forming machine , is-machine

Date 19.09.2024
Type of trade for Sale
Category Machines & Tools, Cold End Lines
Quantity 2
Location Germany
Short Description 2 pc. of Single Liner for sale


2 pc. of Single Liner for sale. The Dimensions of Single Liner no. 1 are 3.4/2.5 x 0,46 m and 1.0-1,15 m height. The Single Liner no. 2 is 4.4/3.1 x 0,46 m and 1.0-1.15 m height.

Files & Pictures

Picture Description Type Size  
IMG_20200314_124555.jpg JPG 188,731 byte open
IMG_20200314_124524.jpg JPG 205,916 byte open
IMG_20200314_124602.jpg JPG 100,829 byte open
IMG_20200314_124534.jpg JPG 211,160 byte open
IMG_20200314_124629.jpg JPG 195,337 byte open
IMG_20200314_124648.jpg JPG 174,577 byte open
IMG_20200314_124654.jpg JPG 105,285 byte open
IMG_20200314_124621.jpg JPG 197,198 byte open

Price & Delivery

Base Price per piece 1.000,- EURO
Delivery, Transportation EXW Germany

Contact Info

Company Siegler Hohlglasservice
Address Wiesenfurt 45a
97833 Frammersbach
0049 9355 7163
0049 9355 7597
Contact Person Mr. Alfred Siegler
  Company Profile