Job Requests


Headline Project Director
Dated 22.03.2015
Job Cipher # CH0352976

Current Position

Profession Director of Projects
Job Category Construction, Engineering
Field of activity Construction, Engineering
in this function since 2011
Management experience 29 years
Team experience 29 years
Experience abroad 29 years
Languages English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian (mother language)
Age 57

Position sought

Position Project Director, Director of Engineering, Director of Projects
Field of activity Construction, Engineering
Salary wanted to be discussed
Relation Full Time
Country / Region USA, Europe, China, Mexico, Far east
Willing to relocate ? (also abroad) yes
Date available depending from opportunities, however i can be free in 2 months time or less


I am a graduated engineer in aerospace engineering. I graduated at Pisa University - Italy.

Application Text

Presently I am in Brazil and I am still working for a Brazilian Company, however i am interested in evaluating proposals, job offers, new opportunities and I am looking forward. I am searching new challenges and motivations.  I am available to put my wide experience worldwide to whom it may be interested.

Special Skills

Float Plant (both greenfields and brownfields) from land to start-up

down stream glass processing activities from land to start up

Glass plants in general from land to star-up

Special glass plants (solar, etc.)